Creepy Doll

Actually the doll itself isn't creepy but the creepy factor seems to come out in my photographs. I feel almost the same about dolls as a I do clowns, always seeing an undertone of sadness in them.
shadows doll
Art pal, Sandi, loaned me her vintage doll and I've had fun experimenting. The above shot I used an old camera app on my iphone.
b&w photography doll
I call this water baby and I photographed her under a pyrex glass dish filled with water and a few drops of oil. No special lights, just natural light by the window and again using the "old camera" app.
vintage doll b&w photograph
With these two photographs I used a paint app to get this effect.
doll in cage

Hope you enjoyed having a peek at my doll pics and thanks for visiting jafabrit's art.


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